Thursday, April 30, 2009

Looky, Looky, a new Looky!

So, what do you think? I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT! If you are ever interested in a blog makeover, please visit Jennisa at Once Upon A Blog! She is amazing, easy to work with, obviously very talented, and very honest! I told her I wanted Cowgirl Chic as my look and I think she did even better than what I could have done for myself!!

post signature

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Just a Peek

So, I know this is post number two today, but I couldn't resist this. I know I love to customize blogs and I love doing it for other people, but I have to tell you I am limited in my knowledge of such things. **gasp** I know. I know. The blogger queen of Childress County admits she is not all-knowing. **another gasp and deep sigh**

In all seriousness I do nothing anyone else couldn't do and doesn't do everyday as far as customizing blogs, I just happen to really love doing it and doing it for others.

But, I was ready for a makeover of my own, and here's the honest truth. I wanted to pay someone to do it for me. Yowsers.

So, it isn't finished, but the header is and I just HAD to give you a sneak peek because I LOVE it!! And as soon as it is finished, I will give the creator props so you can head on over and hire her bloggy-building-self, too!

Until then...

Monday, April 27, 2009

Catching Up

There has been SO much going on in this cowgirl's life, I am going to try to catch-up using the bullet method.

-Last weekend we drove to Uvalde for Tania and Matt's wedding. It was absolutely beautiful and amazing! It was outdoors at her parents land, Ayelen, in Uvalde. I was honored to be part of the wedding as a Mis Amiga, as well as singing.

Here we are at the wedding. All of the Mis Amigas had flowers in our hair!
Tania is originally from Argentina, so we had quite the celebration into the wee hours of the morning. Sunday we didn't get out of bed until 1:00 in the afternoon. Even my parents were up dancing with us into the night! I must say, other than my own, it was one of the best weddings I've ever been to!

-Monday, we left Uvalde around 8:00, headed to Dallas for the appointment with my new reproductive endocrinologist, Dr. Barnett. He laid out a plan for us, and we have started with it. We won't really have any more news for another 5 weeks or so. I'll keep you posted as we know more.

-I had a hard week last week with some personal conflicts. I don't feel comfortable going into them on this very public forum, but just know it has been a true time of growth especially when it comes to being patient and having spiritual maturity. I have honestly sought out God in the whole situation, and just as He promises, He has been faithful and wise and has shown me how to be more forgiving than I thought I could be. I am still struggling with the situation and it only makes it harder that it has to do with a church member and leader, but I am seeing God make good things out of it and I hope I will let Him use me in His plan. And please don't misunderstand me; I love our church, First Baptist, and it has nothing to do with the church as a whole, I truly believe.

-On Wednesday I got more bad news. I was supposed to run a 5K in the Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon. Some of you may remember me talking about it in an earlier post. I've been working hard preparing and I was really excited about it. Well, I've been having pretty bad hip pain, but I just figured it was because I hadn't been running very long and it was just a little sore.
I had to see the doctor anyway to follow up on our appointment in Dallas Monday, so while I was there I asked her about my hip. She listened, got her medical book out and diagnosed me with Iliotibial Band Syndrome, a very common runner's injury. No matter how common it may be, there are two things I know for me personally: 1.) It doesn't really hurt while you are running/exercising/stretching, but AFTERWARDS it hurts. You can't sleep on that side, which for me, a side sleeper, makes for a difficult night's rest. Anyway, whining aside, I was told not to run in the race I had so been looking forward to or I could be out of running altogether for months. I have to let it heal itself by doing stretches and just letting it rest. And to make it more complicated, I can't take as many anti-inflammatories as I should because of all our infertility stuff. So, it is just a waiting game...such is my life.

-The end of last week started looking up. Richard left to work cattle in Perryton on Thursday and was gone through Saturday. We had a girls' trip to Quanah to take our new Athletic Director's wife to dinner to welcome her to Childress. Friday I was invited to dinner at some other friends of ours, and then Saturday after Richard got home we went over to another couple's for snacks and visiting. It sounds busy, and I guess it was, but it's just always good to visit and laugh with good friends.

-So, Sunday was a little stressful only because I was singing in public again. It wasn't as nerve-wrecking as singing in the wedding last weekend, but I was definitely nervous. I was singing a small solo in part of our morning song, but it went really well. To be honest, I have felt the desire to share this gift in a way that will glorify and praise God, just as anyone else would share whatever gift they had been given. But, as I am guilty of over and over again, I have ignored the Holy Spirit's pushing, mainly because I am absolutely terrified to sing alone in public. It is literally a phobia of mine and pretty much has been since I was young. I'm not sure where the fear comes from, but it is there, totally illogical, but there and it rears it's ugly head anytime I even think of getting on stage to sing a solo. But this Sunday I decided I HAD to be obedient, no matter how uncomfortable I was, and believe me, I WAS NOT comfortable!!

-Last night Richard and I rented Slumdog Millionaire. Have you seen it? If so, you know how amazing it is! When we went to the Red Box at Wal-Mart to find a movie, I said, "Oh, I want to rent this one. It's won, like, tons of awards, baby!" To which McH replies, "Oh, those movies that win all the awards are usually terrible!" And really, in most cases I can't argue with him, but this time was much different. If you have not seen this movie, go rent it right now. It is rated R I believe, BUT there is very mild language, some violence, zero nudity, and a WONDERFUL, INSPIRING storyline. It is cultural, relevant, and has an ingenious plot line.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Titus 2 Tuesday

Wow! I just came on to post my second installment of Titus 2 Tuesday and I realized I haven't posted since last Tuesday's entry! I have had some serious stress going on the last week, but things are finally starting to slow a bit. But that bit is enough that I can finally breathe a little easier.

So, today's Titus 2 woman in my life is Janera Cagle, aka My Garden Hat lady. Jan and I have the best story when it comes to how we "met."

The Women's Walk #36 prayer team: Gale, me, Janera, Kim!

See, she started off as one of those "friends" I tell my hubby about. And when he asks me how I know them, I say, "Well, I don't really KNOW them..." at which he begins to zone out and even rolls his eyes slightly. Jan started out as someone I knew strictly through blogging. She found my blog through another somehow and left me a comment one day that said something along the lines of "sounds like we have a lot in common...we both live in West Texas...horses...the country...etc..." And I thought it was sweet, but didn't think much else of it, except to visit My Garden Hat occasionally and catch up and lose myself in her wit and sass! I love it!

Well, this was probably around March or so of last year. So, in June, I attend a Walk to Emmaus in La Mesa, Texas and one day in the chapel, I'm wearing a Texas A&M tshirt and a woman asks me about it and tells me her son is going to school there. Well, there is another woman sitting right next to her who doesn't say much really, and we really don't speak at all before I turn to go.

Fast forward a few days. I'm in a hotel room in Kansas City, Missouri with my mother who is at a convention. I am checking email and I see one about Emmaus, wishing me well in my 4th Day. I open it up, and read it; it is short and sweet, and at the end, it is signed, Janera Cagle. And under that is a web address, I looked at it for a second, and thought, "I know that from somewhere." And then it all clicked and I was DUMBFOUNDED!

This woman who found me randomly through another's blog and with whom I had connected via the Internet, "just happened" to be on the team for the Walk to Emmaus I was on in June, and we didn't even realize who we were when we were face to face with each other! We even found out that weekend we were both bloggers but never made the connection that I was the "Cowgirl" and she was "My Garden Hat" lady.

Since then, I have had the great honor of getting to know Janera more personally through working a current Walk to Emmaus with her. Her heart is for Jesus and for Him alone. She is the epitomy of a role model on being meek yet strong for God! She is a prayer WARRIOR in every sense of the word and always has the best advice! She puts on no airs and doesn't feign perfection, which makes her that much more real to the people around her. She is also one of the most humble people I know; she absolutely has no idea how great she is! And she is G-R-E-A-T!

I am thankful God has allowed me to get to know Janera better and to grow through her wisdom.

We have so much in common, most of it which I will not share on this blog, but we both know without a doubt, we were put together to meet for a reason.

And for those of you who poke fun at us blogger people, here is a story which wouldn't have been the same without blogging!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Titus 2 Tuesday

I have decided to join in with the Titus 2 Tuesday. I saw this on Belinda's blog and I just loved the idea, so like all good teachers, I "borrowed" it and am going to participate!

First, Titus 2 says this about older women:

1-6Your job is to speak out on the things that make for solid doctrine. Guide older men into lives of temperance, dignity, and wisdom, into healthy faith, love, and endurance. Guide older women into lives of reverence so they end up as neither gossips nor drunks, but models of goodness. By looking at them, the younger women will know how to love their husbands and children, be virtuous and pure, keep a good house, be good wives. We don't want anyone looking down on God's Message because of their behavior. Also, guide the young men to live disciplined lives.

So, the Titus 2 challenge is to tell the blogging world about a woman who has had a positive influence in my life. And boy, is that hard. Not because my choices are so limited, but just the opposite; they are so infinite, I will have many Tuesdays to fill! So, get ready!

This first Titus 2 Tuesday, I have chosen to tell you about the influence of my high school Biology teacher, Mrs. Valerie Pena. She also was my junior high life science teacher and I just loved her. We were always doing something interesting, and something thought-provoking, but beyond the classroom, Mrs. Pena led an amazing life. She has one daughter, who was critically injured in a biking accident and is now in a home for adults with mental disabilities. She drives every Saturday to see her daughter and never complains. She has nothing but unconditional love for her.

Mrs. Pena is also an Aggie and a very intelligent and accomplished woman. I have always wanted to go to A&M, so I would stare at her Aggie ring in class, knowing some day I would be there.

Most of all, Mrs. Pena always made me feel like I was special. She never hesitated to help, even if she wasn't asked, and I always felt like I was her favorite (which I'm sure most of her students felt, as well).

I pray there will be at least one student in my teaching career I will impact the way Mrs. Pena has made a difference in my life.

I challenge you to join the Titus 2 Tuesday club and tell us all about a woman who has been a guide in your life!

Monday, April 13, 2009

In Which I Am Surprised

This weekend was full of surprises, to say the least.

Let me first start off with saying I am blessed, blessed, blessed. I wish there was another way to word that, to form that expression. I feel like I say it all of the time, so the impact isn't there the way I want it to be.

You know the last couple of years have been hard in so many ways and many days I never thought I would be able to find and appreciate the blessings in my life again (but that's another post altogether).

This weekend included the following, in list form:

-An unexpected trip to Amarillo Thursday with the hubs (including Tacos Garcia and a trip to Goodwill to drop off clothes and shoes that had been piling up in the guest closet).

-Cards from friends and family

-Lots of Facebook wishes

-A Happy Birthday announcement over the intercom at school.

-A Happy Birthday song sung by the famous Coach Rhodes and several classes in my room.

-A Happy Birthday song being sung by my sweet, 4 year-old nephew, Drew on the phone.

-Flowers and a cute cross from my sweet friend, Sarah.

-A Happy Birthday song sun by my parents in two-part harmony (beautifully, by the way) over the phone.

-Happy Birthday comments on my blog.

-Gifts including: coffee mug, Barnes & Noble gift certificate, candle, flowers, key chain, very cute necklace from Sharon, Ballyhoo gift certificate from Kelly and Nancy, Seed Bin gift certificate from the in-laws, two beautiful red geraniums from Ronnie and Dawn, a cute notepad from Faith, and there may be more, but I can't recall right now.

-An amazing hand-made cake with from-scratch icing that formed beautiful flowers all over and adorned with 30 individual candles!

-A SURPRISE PARTY put together by my sweet, sweet hubby and my dear friend, Paige and Donna who helped when Paige had to go home unexpectedly for her grandmother's funeral.

-And a BEAUTIFUL diamond-studded band I was not expecting, AT ALL from McHotterson! We had just looked maybe once and one time I bought a $7 fake on just to wear for funsies to bling up what I already had. And that man-'o-mine remembered, went back and bought this beautiful thing just because he loves me and because he says, "A girl only turns 30 once!" See what I mean about blessed? Beyond measure. Beyond comprehension. Beyond what I deserve.

-Because yesterday was the end of the Lenten season, I am drinking diet sodas again. A true sacrifice that was, but totally worth it. I'm surprised because I thought the craving would go away after a couple of weeks; it didn't. February 25-April 12. And, part of me feels proud of making it; the other part realizes it was NOTHING compared to His sacrifice. And that pride I am tempted to feel is actually completely ironic because it goes against the whole point of the practice which is humility. I'll keep working on it.

-Saturday night we watched The Passion of the Christ. It was my first time. I was nervous. It was amazing. To be Mary. To be Peter. To be JUDAS. My goodness, I can't imagine it, and yet they were people just like I am. I wonder which one of them I would have been? That's a very scary thought. I would hope to be like Mary or Mary Magdalene, but even they had doubts. When they heard Jesus's body was gone, they immediately thought it had been stolen, even though they knew the prophecy, that He would rise from the dead and be resurrected. Not until they saw the stone rolled back and his body was gone, did they know and truly believe what had happened. That's amazing to me and in some ways a bit of a relief. Even they were weak in faith at times.

-But most of all, I was surprised by something that isn't a surprise at all. I have known the Easter story for 30 years and I'm still surprised every year, and all year long, that a man who felt all pain, just as I do, died for ME! To save ME! To make me sinless. Why me? I do not deserve it, but He gave it, knowing I would continue to sin, knowing I would not appreciate the sacrifice near as much as I should. Knowing I would fall again and again, but willing to suffer in agony. Angie over at Bring the Rain says it best when she explains that He could have saved Himself with one simple word. He could have easily climbed down from that cross, but He CHOSE not to. And as thankful as I am, I wish I could be more so. I wish I was more in love with Him than I am, because I know there is room to be.

Thursday, April 09, 2009

You've Got a Friend

Those words from one of my all-time very favorite singers couldn't be more true. I have the BEST friends in the world! Tomorrow is my 30th birthday, but we don't have school. The tradition is to take anyone who's having a birthday out to lunch and give them a group gift. So, I honestly wasn't even thinking about it today. In fact, I brought my normal frozen meal and yogurt for lunch, just like every other day! So, today my dear friends took me to lunch and gave me cards, and showered me with love! It was so sweet! Below are the little treats I was given during lunch! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE them!

We have a little kitchen in the science lab at the end of our hall, and we have converted it into a true kitchen. We have a fridge, microwave, and coffee maker. So, every morning, I brew a pot of coffee and have a bowl of oatmeal. We visit over a cup 'o joe and talk about our plans for the day. So, one of the things they got me was the SO CUTE coffee mug!

Here is a very cute key chain with my initial on it!

I burn a candle EVERY day, ALL day in my classroom (I teach high school, the end of the day, those boys are very STINKY)!

I have a calendar at work and every day there is a new saying, anecdote, scripture, or piece of advice about girlfriends. Here is the one for April 10th:

"I thank my God every time I remember you." Philippians 1:3

And that is so true! I do thank God for such great girlfriends!

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

It's Not About All That

February 25th started the Lenten season. I gave up Diet Sodas because that was a true sacrifice for me. But it's not about all that.

The candy aisles are stocked with many delectable treats; and just as on all the other main stream holidays, we will buy a few bags because who can pass up malted eggs at Easter? But it's not about all that.

The babes are all excited about hunting Easter eggs and what they will find when they pop open the plastic shells. But it's not about all that.

Every major department store will have major sales on sweet, smocked dresses and precious, navy pants so we, especially the kids, can look just perfect for Easter Sunday church. But it's not about all that.

We will, once again, practice the annual family traditions, especially the grub! But it's not about all that.

Here's what it's all about...

Friday, April 03, 2009


A couple of posts ago I wrote about the cool Nike Plus playlists and how to find them, but they have moved so I wanted to tell you where you can get them now. Just go to the iTunes store and search for Nike Sport Music. When the results come up, click on the right side where it says Nike Sport Music.

It will take you to the playlists again.

Have fun!

Don't Speak It

Well, friends...

Today has started off as "one of those days." My nature is to be pretty optimistic and cheerful. I find the glass half full 99% of the time.

But there are those days, like today, when the day just BEGINS on the wrong foot.

I am a co-sponsor of a group at the high school called Bobcat Stars. Basically, we take about 150 students from the high school (half of our student population at times), to the elementary school and they are assigned to a classroom to do character lessons and play games with the elementary students. The bitty kids LOVE it and our high school kids like to get out of 1st period once a month...HA!

So, part of my responsibilities, among other things, is to get the buses reserved, which is supposed to happen at least a week in advance. Being the responsible sponsor I am, I reserved buses for all of our visits to CES at the beginning of the year so I wouldn't have to think about it again and it worked...until this morning.

Today's visit was planned somewhat last minute, about 3 weeks ago, and guess what I didn't do? guessed it. In the shower this morning at 7:10, I realized I hadn't reserved the three buses we usually take! Oh, great! I was panicked. After a phone call and a bus-barn man who literally laughed on the other end of the phone (which I TOTALLY understood), we had two buses there and stuffed all the kids on to get them to CES.

Crisis averted.

Not quite.

We get there, things are going smoothly, but Mrs. Piper and I had to take our cars for a few stragglers who couldn't fit on the bus.

While we were there, I realize I have lost one of my "STAR" earrings and I was totally bummed.

We get ready to leave; kids load the buses, minus the ones we brought in our cars. Mrs. Piper loads hers up and leaves. I walk with mine to the car and start searching my keys.

I search the school, no keys. I call Donna, who's office I had been in at CES. No keys.

I call school and tell them what's up. Still no keys.

Kids are standing, waiting in the chilly morning air for ME to find my keys.

Finally, a call and Donna has found my keys! YAY!

I get to school 10 minutes into second period and my awesome 2nd period is just waiting patiently for me.

So, although the day has the potential to be bad, stressful, crazy. I will not speak it!