Saturday, October 20, 2012

Our Week in Bullets

We've had a super busy and fun week and weekend.  I'm headed to bed right now, but I'll give you a brief bulleted list of what's been happening, and then fill you in with details later. 

-Left C-town Sunday 10/13 for College Station (WHOOP).
-Spend Sunday and Monday nights with good friends.
-Tuesday lunch with sweet friends.
-Aggieland and the MSC
-Eating (are you seeing a trend here?)
-Head to hotel.
-Pumpkin Patch pictures!
-to Uvalde
-Visiting and cuddling sweet Charley Cate
-Farewell dinner with cousins and family
-Goodbye to Will, Amy and Charley Cate
-Watch Aggie game :(
-Dinner with more friends
-Sunday morning headed back to C-town

And, I planned to leave you a couple of pictures, but the Internet connection out here in the sticks just isn't fast enough for this tired girl right now.  So, details AND pictures to come...soon! 

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