Can it be? My babies are 6 months old, as of the 18th of October! I am just floored that it has been half a year since I was in the hospital meeting our little miracle munchkins for the first time!

Lots of things are happening in their little lives. I feel like this age is one of my favorites so far!
They are so interactive and engaging, and are constantly learning new things.
We have their 6 month check up on the 28th but here are sone milestones and currents for each baby.
Reese & Truett

-this girl is about to crawl and sit up. She will get up on all fours, dotage rocking motion and move one leg forward, and then proceeds to dive bomb into whatever it is she is after. It is surprisingly effective and she's much quicker than her brother right now! She will sit on one hiney cheek and is almost able to stay upright on her own.

-he is happy to just scoot around on his belly and really hasn't started pushing upright onto his knees as much. But don't think it means he's immobile. No ma'am, that boy gets exactly where he wants to to in his own way.
-she has no teeth yet, but has been dealing with the effects of teething for the last 2 weeks or so! Ugh. She is so whiny lately, which is not like her at all.

-he has two teeth and boy has it been rough! He cut both of them on our way to and from Houston at the beginning of October. This picture only shows one in and the other starting to come through, but I haven't taken a more current pic of them now that they are both out.
-I wish I could catch it on camera, but she's started this tongue thing that is hilarious. If she's smiling big or excited she stocks her tongue out and to the side as she is laughing. It is hilarious!
-Truett has turned into a smiler! I used to have to work really hard at getting a smile from him, but much to this Momma's delight, he will grin any time you look at him now. He also seems to be quite the daredevil, and when you think they should be scared, he laughs and she cries!
-Reese used to be my baby to fight sleep, but in the last week she has been so easy! I'm praying I didn't just jinx myself and that it continues. I'm afraid it might be the teething and that it will be gone just as I'm believing it might be her new M.O.

-they both have really started "talking" up a storm lately and it's so fun! You can tell they really want to say something and in their world, I'm sure they are.

-they are also much more interactive with each other and the bickering has already begun, believe it or not. It usually revolves around a toy. :)

-they went to their first pep rally and football game last week and were totally enthralled with all that was going on.
-they are still loving solid food and despite a break for a few days, they are even better at eating now. They tried roasted butternut squash yesterday and loved it!!
Here they are in their travel chairs at Sita and Papi's house.

-Huge milestone: both babies are holding their own bottle! Someone told me it's better than when they are finally potty trained, and I have to say, it's pretty fabulous! Now, he is much better at it than she is and will grab the bottle from you to do it on how own. She, in true diva fashion, is perfectly content to have someone hold the bottle for her, but she can do it of you make her! Ha!


Sunday I attempted my first solo trip with the babies from our house to my parents'. It's about 7 hours and I must say, overall the babies did phenomenally! Here we are taking a stretch/feed/change break at Sam's.

-look at the difference in size...we always say, if Truett grows into those hands and feet...

Papi and Sita with Reese and Truett at Willie G's in Houston.

Family Photo Op!

On a walk yesterday...we had some company.

Watching some Praise Baby this morning.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
More adorable than ever!!! How is that even possible, because they were already pretty stinkin' adorable. :-) I really love your family pic! The babies look so big, you and Rich look so happy and content. I love it! I couldn't help but think of all the awesome pics I've seen of just the two of you, and how AWESOME our God is to give you such an incredible family.
ReplyDeleteLoved all of these pictures of those precious babies! Can't wait to see your floors!