Tuesday, March 18, 2014


How in the world has it been almost 8 months since I've last blogged?!  I truly had no idea it had been so long; I've had so many moments I've thought, "I should blog about that," and then I just don't.  Life has been so busy and crazy and topsy turvy, especially the last 3 months, that blogging has been put at the very bottom of the priority list.

So, my last post was about Avery Grace turning 4 months-old.  In two days she turns one year-old.

I know it's so cliche, but how did that happen?  My baby is walking and starting to say a few words and is so, so smart.

So, Thursday we're having a VERY small get together with mainly family and a couple of close friends to celebrate!

In true third child fashion, she's getting to "reuse" some of her big brother and sister's first birthday decor, but momma did make her her own name banner and had a birthday onesie made for her on Etsy.  It's so cute I could die!

Her Nonni will make a cake, as is custom, and we will sing and eat cake and ice cream and she will open presents (I'm sure with the help of her siblings), and we will all marvel at how we can't believe it's been a year since we brought her home from the hospital.

She's such a doll baby.

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