I waited to share this with everyone until after our doctor's appointment this afternoon. I had the scariest, most emotional, and ironically one of the most spiritually growing experiences of my entire life last night. Of course, this all has to do with Sprout, the precious form growing inside of my belly. Without going into too much detail, I "bled" last night right before going to bed. Now, I say "bled" but it wasn't a constant flow, nonetheless it was more than just a spot. Okay, I know some reading this have never experienced it, and I honestly pray with all my heart you never have to because it is the most terrifying thing to happen at this stage in my pregnancy. I have to be honest and admit...I TOTALLY freaked out! I started shaking uncontrollably all over, and even with Richard holding on to me tightly, I couldn't stop. I was so scared. More scared than I've ever been...ever. So, we made phone calls to my sister-in-law, who has had the same thing happen to her with both her pregnancies, my mother, and the hospital. Long, long story, made a little bit shorter. I had no cramping at all and no more blood the whole night, but I couldn't shake this dread. It was like this dark cloud, hovering over me, the devil was whispering in my ear. Richard on the other hand, was totally calm. He kept repeating, "God is in control, and He's taking care of you and Sprout." He prayed over us with his arms wrapped around me as I, the seemingly faithless shell, just sobbed. Eventually, the crying stopped, but my heart was beating uncontrollably fast, which I knew wasn't good for Sprout or me. So, as I lay in bed, not able to sleep, this thought came into my mind, "Lord, just bring me peace, Lord just bring me peace." I said it over and over and over again until I was so tired I couldn't think any more. I still couldn't sleep, but slowly, this peace washed over my body and after the hour of sleep I did get, I woke up trusting my Father was holding Sprout in His hands and things were okay.
I made a Dr's appointment this morning and had a pelvic exam and things are just fine. My hormone levels are at 4,000, which is normal for my stage of pregnancy, and I will do another hormone check on MOnday to make sure my levels are elevating as they should. So, all is well.
I know there is a good chance this will happen again. I have always heard about the love a mother has for her child and how you just can never know it until you have experienced it. I know my child is only 6 mm long, barely even there. But Sprout is God's design and creation and I love her so much already! This is why I know the next time this happens, I will be better prepared for the devil's little games of doubt and fear.
Here is the scripture I looked up this evening after the day was over and I could take some time in my thoughts about what had happened. It is exactly what I was feeling and trying to trust as I repeated those words, "Just bring me peace, Lord," in bed last night.
"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." John 16:33
11 years ago
Charla and Richard,
ReplyDeleteMy heart was in my throat throught he WHOLE blog! I totally know where you're coming from. That feeling of dread is horrible! But you're right, take heart!! He who is in you (and Sprout) is greater than he who is in the world.
Lots of love and prayers!
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad everything is okay. Although I have no personal experience with this, I've seen several friends fight off those thought that ARE NOT of God during trouble spots in their pregnancies.
Nicki and I talked about this verse several times in the beginning of her pregnancy with Tristan. "We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself against the knowledge of God, and we TAKE CAPTIVE every thought to make it obedient to Christ." 2 Corinthians 10:5
Much love from WACO!
cls & gx3
ReplyDeleteThanks for the verse...you're right, it is perfect! I have to tell you, I was looking through a baby name book this afternoon and came upon Corey for a girl. I just kept thinking, "I love that name, and I love Corrie, so why not name our daughter that?" I didn't say anything to Richard, but don't be surprised if I slip it in there on him! Thanks for the thoughts!
CDJ and M&M
Please know that Jason and I are both lifting your family up to God daily. Know that you are loved!!!
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad that Sprout is okay! What a fabulous husband God has given you, to stand by you and comfort you and be strong when you are weak!
ReplyDeleteawww..much love going out to you and sprout! know that spotting in pregnancy is often normal and not a sign of anything ominous. my close friend spotted all the way through her pregnancy...God is in control of every aspect of this pregnancy.