Wednesday, August 12, 2009

One LONG Rollercoaster

Well, when I left here Monday I had NO idea what I would be getting into. I really thought I was going to learn some techie stuff in Floydada, and leave early to get to my doctor's appointment at 3, where we would have another ultrasound to make sure things were doing well and then would schedule our IUI for sometime soon after that. I might even get a shot and give some blood. Done.

Ha, ha, ha...

If there is one thing I've learned about infertility (and life in general, for that matter), it is that you can NEVER plan for something to go exactly as you think it will.

So, Monday I get to the doctor completely thinking we are going down the road of IUI. As you read in the previous post, I was told we were going to step it up to IVF, which at first I was completely shocked by.

McH got to Levelland at 3:45 A.M. Tuesday morning. He was absolutely exhausted, and was only able to get about 3 hours of sleep before we had to get up and make the 30-minute drive to Lubbock and Dr. D.

I have to tell you, I was convinced I had ovulated in the night. All the signs were there. So, I was already planning and thinking about how I was going to manage leaving school every time I needed to go to Lubbock.

First thing we do when I get there is an ultrasound. I'm nervous but expecting the bad/disappointing news. So, when she gets the ultrasound wand around my ovaries and follicles pop up left and right, all I can do is cry. So, the plan is to get all the paperwork done, some bloodwork from both of us, and then get me back to start the IVF process with retrieval.

I was knocked out with some amazing drugs, so when I awoke and saw Richard sitting next to me, I first asked him what was taking them so long. He assured me they had finished the procedure and then when I asked him about how it went, his face fell slightly and I knew it wasn't good.

I don't really want to go into details about all of that, but I will say it just didn't work out the way we had hoped, but it also led us to some conclusions about some past infertility issues, so that part was good.

We were then told another of our options was to save the follicles from the other ovary and do an IUI the next morning, which is what we chose to do.

I was given a shot of HcG to trigger ovulation, and then went back to Levelland to get some sleep.

So, this morning around 9:30 we had an IUI (intrauterine insemination) and we were told all went really well.

So now we start the dreaded 2ww (two-week wait).

And there you have it. The continuation (but not quite end) of our three-day saga from IUI to IVF and back to IUI.

Thank you SO very much to all of you who have prayed, sent texts, sent emails, kept our pups, called, etc...It means so much to us and I look forward to the day when you ALL can share in our joy when we are parents for the first time! I know the time is coming and I just can't wait to share that news with you!

I'm trying to just take it in stride and I think I'm doing pretty well. There' s not much I can do at this point, but wait and hope things went well. And to know that if they didn't, that's okay.

As they say, if you fall off your horse, you dust yourself off, cowgirl up, and climb back on.

And we live to ride again another day.

p.s. If we ever have a baby girl, I'm definitely getting this, because, albeit slightly tacky, isn't it the gosh-awful, lovely TRUTH?

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  1. There are no words...Praying like crazy!!!

  2. Ahhh, it is such a roller coaster ride. I am so sorry things didn't go as planned. I know you are disappointed yet thankful that something could be done.

    God knows His plan for your journey. You just have to have the faith to follow it. Keep the prayers going, the faith strong and it will all turn out great. One way or another.

    Hang in there, girl! You can do this!

  3. I love you Charla Jenkins! I miss you all the time, even though I only had one year with you at JL. Praying for you!!!!!

  4. I'm praying for you guys. Thanks for keeping us posted! What a rollercoaster.

    (Oh, and for the record, Hannah has that bib, pajama set, hat, and even the blanket. =)

  5. Okay, I'm praying that the 2 weeks go quickly and you two have a pregnancy. Love you!

  6. I love you too, Charla and McH, I am pleading for you in prayer. Love you girl. It's gonna be good.

  7. I know God is blessing you and teaching you some valuable things through this.He uses all things for the good......"walk with Him and you will never be alone" I will continue to pray and I know all will come out great. Love to you both.

  8. hugs and more hugs :) love you - hang in there for the wait. I think we'll have some great news.
    ps - the bib is perfect.

  9. tears in my eyes. not sure what to say except COME ON, baby jenkins - it is YOUR MOMENT! xoxo

  10. standing with you, and praying for you; God's grace is sufficient, & His love knows no boundaries

  11. UGH! as if every day isn't a rollercoaster already! oh woman...i'm so sorry--it sounds like you have been through THE RINGER in the last couple of days. you are such a strong and amazing woman (even though you might not feel like it at times)...your faith and perseverance show through in every thing you do. YOU HANG IN THERE, STAY POSITIVE, and try to keep yourself busy as you enter the hardest part---waiting. love you so much and sending you SOOOOO many hugs and LOTS of positive energy through this computer screen.

    prayers always,


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