Friday, September 25, 2009

Another Fav

Just a quick post to tell you about one of my new favorite artists. They're not really "new" and I've been listening to them for a while now, but I just heard one of their songs on Sirius 6066, and I thought I needed to post about them.

So, if you haven't heard Needtobreathe, go check them out on iTunes. I love their sound and their message.

Some of my favorites are:
More Time
Lay 'Em Down
Washed by the Water (SO GOOD)

Happy Listening!

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  1. I love them, love love love!!!! All I've heard so far is Washed By The Water. I also really like the new group, Among The Thirsty. Their song is called I'd Need A Savior.

  2. Charla, Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I followed your link and have been listening to Need To Breathe all day long!

  3. Love, love, love them!! That is just about all I have been listening to the last few days!


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