Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Sunday's Coming

Palm Sunday evening we had our church Easter cantata. The entire service was just amazing and I was blessed to be able to sing with the choir and worship through music. Half the time I was so overwhelmed with emotion, I had to lip sync and pretend because I was so choked up. My favorite part of the service (okay, ONE Of my favorite parts) was this video. It is a sermon by well-known civil rights era Baptist preacher, S.M. Lockridge. I'm not fibbing either when I tell you his initials stand for Shadrach Meshach Lockridge. Scouts honor. It's like he had no choice; he was destined to be a voice for Jesus!

Anyway, our music director used this video, which incorporates one of Lockridge's sermons and footage from The Passion of the Christ, in our cantata. I'm telling y'all...I was just awed and inspired and all of those other words I'd like to use right now, but I'm just too tired to do so.

Take a few minutes and check this out. I encourage you to spend the week in meditation and reflection on what Easter is all about. I know I'm guilty of throwing around the words "crucifixion" and "resurrection" like they are so commonplace. But if you really meditate and think about what they mean, you will be overwhelmed. I know I have been. In the Sunday school class I teach (high school seniors), we talked last Sunday about not taking the Easter story for granted. I'm going to try my best not to this year.

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  1. Thank you for such a great reminder. I'm a little sad that my husband won't be with me this Easter Sunday--he's on the East Coast for two weeks for work--but I am looking forward to going to our Easter Sunrise Service. God bless!

  2. I sing in our choir, too, and I think it's funny that you said you had to lip sync when you were choked up~that happens to me ALL THE TIME. Easter is my favorite time of year~and all 4 of my boys can tell you with HUGE smiles and grateful hearts, just why Good Friday was "good", and the meaning of Easter. I can hardly contain myself on Easter Sundays! I watched the video you posted on FB, and by the end I was crying. Powerful! Hope your day is amazing today!

  3. Awesome! Thanks for sharing!

  4. We are having sunrise services at our church as we always do and I love it because the MEN cook breakfast afterwards......Miss you.


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