Bad news...long post. Good news...lots of pics!
Well, it's been TOO long since an update and I apologize for that.
But, I'm back and I have lots to catch you up on!
First, I must just say that including today, I have 3 days until my summer vacay and I couldn't be more excited. Those who think teaching is the easiest gig in the world because you get summers and holidays off, I'd like you to do two things; 1.) come teach my classes for one week AND, it must be sometime during the 4 weeks before the TAKS test, then tell me your thoughts and 2.) check out my paycheck. Nuff said.
Today's the last day with most of my students and Thursday and Friday will be spent giving final exams and wrapping up my classroom.
Last Thursday and Friday was Play Day here in C-town. This is the equivalent of Field Day for the elementary kids, and I am responsible, along with my co-sponsor, for taking 100 + high school kids to help out with Play Day. We had a GREAT year this year and I was so proud of all of the kids for their hard work and dedication and for being wonderful role models for our elementary kiddos.
At the awards assembly...if you look very closely you will notice the little red-headed girl is sitting in G's lap. The elementary kids really get attached to our Bobcat Stars through the year.
And of course, the big kids have to get in on the action, too...after all, they're just little kids in bigger, smellier bodies! Check out M on the back of D's trike on the right! HA!

All morning outside + no sunscreen = SUNBURN #1
Saturday we had some people come down from Amarillo to ride horses with us at the ranch. Richard was going to be their trail leader and he was really looking forward to it. We both were, especially since I hadn't ridden in a while. There were 4 couples total, but one of the husbands didn't ride as he had had quadruple bypass surgery a year ago. So, seven of us headed into the hills and had an awesome two-hour ride through brush, up and down the breakers. Only one of the women had some problems, but all in all it was wonderful.
This is towards the end of the ride, but you can see some of the breaker country in the background. It was gorgeous!
A post-ride munch and cool down. That is Roscoe on the left (McH's horse), and Professor (my horse) on the right.
I LOVE this pic I got of the Pro-man as he snacked post-ride. Isn't he a handsome dude? Especially for 24!

And, as much as it pains me to even post this picture, here I am on Professor mid-ride. What is it about sitting on a horse that makes your arms look large and your thighs thunderous? OKAY, maybe it isn't the horse, but whatever. Here it is.
2 + hours on a horse + cloud coverage = SUNBURN #2
Last week was fairly uneventful and I wasn't planning on a big Memorial Day weekend because I had to work on Monday anyway. However, Friday I talked to my SIL and turns out the McHotterson had failed to inform me his brother, SIL, and our nephews were coming to C-town and we were going camping with them in Altus at the lake. Hm.
Thanks for the warning, McH. I love ya, but sometimes I wonder if you even realize there is another person living in the same house that needs to know these important pieces of information! End of vent.
So, Saturday after riding horses all day long, taking the crew to lunch and not getting home until 4-ish, we started packing the car for our camping trip to Lake Altus/Lugert.
For those of you who don't know, Rich and I are avid campers but don't get to do it nearly enough. He never really camped as a kid, it just wasn't their thing, but we camped all the time with my parents and when I say camped, we did some primitive, lean-to camping which is my favorite!
We got to the dock at the lake, met Ronnie with the boat, and made our way with all of our stuff and the dogs to our campsite.
9 years ago, before we were even engaged, Rich and I took the boat to the lake and headed away from the crowd, across the lake. We found a secluded beach, decided to camp there and had a blast; until we woke up after a horrible wind/rain storm the night before, and the boat had been beached. Thank goodness for the ATV'ers who helped us push the boat out into the water.
Anyway, so we knew there were good spots away from the Memorial Day crowd and we took advantage.
The camping was so much fun. I don't have any pictures, but I borrowed a few from Dawn (thanks, SIL)! Sunday was filled with fishing, reading, taking walks and hanging out.
Time on the boat + chasing 2 dogs and 2 nephews around the beach = SUNBURN #3

Finally, yesterday I played in my first golf tournament in at least 15 years. The first annual CISD Staff Scramble was yesterday at Stoney Ridge golf course, our local country club. I played on a team with 4 other women and we had a blast! Can I tell you how much more fun it is to play Scramble-style golf? I grew up playing golf and played in some little tourneys but never played competitively through school or anything. My family are all avid golfers, as well as McHotterson. But, I have the worst slice you've ever seen in your life. McH says I have a pretty good swing and form, whatever that really means, but that slice makes me crazy and I'm just slightly competitive. Just slightly. So, why play something that makes you crazy? Duh! But yesterday I truly had a great time, and you know what? I played pretty well.
Whoda thunkit?
We're wanting to get a group together that plays on a regular basis and I'm excited about that!
I would love to get better so McH and I can go out and play and have a good time instead of me just being frustrated. I mean, it's really no fun to play when you can't hit the green for your life, and then your hubby goes up and hits a perfect shot every time. Blah.
A few hours on the golf course + good friends and great weather = FUN IN THE SUN and more to come!!
Happy summer to me, happy summer to me, happy summer to ME-E...happy summer to me!
Looks like you've been busy- I love all the pics!! And side note- your arms and thighs are not big on that horse- you haven't seen me on my horse! I hate taking pics on horses for the same reason! LOL That should be my inspiration! :) And happy summer to you!!
ReplyDeleteI love the pics and I feel your excitement!!!!!I think the kids are as tire of me as I am of them! I am ready to be out and to have this baby out!!!!!! Have a great summer and keep in touch! I love your blog!.
ReplyDeleteWOW!! Love the long post and all the pictures!! It looks like last week was great with the kiddos and the weekend looked to be even better! The trail ride looks so relaxing and I loved seeing the wide open spaces. I'm with you on the golfing....not my sport either. But I can drive a mean golf cart and serve up some cold beer. :) Camping looks like so much fun! We need to get a tent so we can do that while we are up here. There are so many great camping spots! Have a happy last week of school!
ReplyDeleteCan't wait for you to be done this week...some summer we come!! Yea!!
ReplyDeleteYou've been having FUN!!! And the best part is summer vacation hasn't even started. We are getting to go to the George Strait concert in Dallas next weekend at the new Cowboy stadium. I can't wait.
ReplyDeleteWOW, you have been a busy girl.I love all the pictures, gives us a glimpse of ones life. I am glad to see you have updated your blog I have missed your post.
ReplyDeleteWow...what a weekend!!! Enjoyed the post =)
ReplyDeleteMe too, so happy to see the new post :) Glad you got to do lots of your favorite things! Camping + riding + golf = all good.
ReplyDeleteLove you!