Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Because I Promised...

...but not because I'm really wanting to. I just talked to Carolyn, our beloved nurse at Dr. D's in Lubbock.

Just as I suspected, the test was a BFN (i.e. Big Fat Negative in conception talk).

Dr. D wants to talk to us about what's next. My schedule really doesn't allow it until the 10th of September. I guess this is good as it gives me a couple of weeks to not think about it and just focus on school and going home next weekend for Labor Day.

But at the same time, it is a long time to wait, too. I just had to get something later in the afternoon so I could miss as little school as possible.

And I do want to say thank you to ALL of you for your wonderful comments and prayer. I must say I have this incredible sense of peace (a few tears) but peace, and I know it is because of you all standing in the gap for me!

Love you all...

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  1. I'm sorry, Charla. Praying that you would continue to be in that peace that you've found thus far.

  2. Hey girl, that's a tuff blow, I know God has already answered your prayers and that we are just waiting for them to be revealed to you.

    Please don't let the thief steal what God has intended for you. Do not give up the hope that God has placed in you. We will continue praying for you.

  3. We will continue to pray! Much love!

  4. Oh we love you too....Hope you found your stuff in the mailbox...Maybe it will make you feel better. Take care of yourself and if I can do anything just let me know, and I mean it.

  5. We will all keep standing here and praying...we can do that! :)
    Proud of you my sister.

  6. Praying for you (and shedding a few tears in the gap).

  7. I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you...wishing I could hug you with everything I am. I am praying not only peace Charla for you and my sweet Sich, but discernment, grace, mercy, and PROTECTION. I have this holy anger burning in my belly for the enemy that continues to come against you. He comes only to steal, but in Jesus name I place him beneath your feet. I pray this week and next, you will find a place to get away from all the noise and curl up in your Savior's lap. He is the lifter of your head and the lover of your soul. He is counting every tear, and I feel in my spirit He wants you to know HE IS FAITHFUL AND HE WILL FINISH WHAT HE STARTED IN YOU. DRAW NEAR TO HIM AND HE WILL DRAW NEAR TO YOU. I am putting on my princess WARRIOR camo and going to be on my knees for you sweet sister. Praying God will let me carry some of your pain in the days to come. Did I say I love you?

  8. I'm so sorry for your pain that you are feeling. I know it is hard, I especially found it hard when you kind of had a feeling it wasn't working- you so wanted it to prove you wrong.

    I could say try not to think about it but that really will be impossible. I still have pain and think about it every day and ours have been over a year.

  9. I'm thinking about you & praying for you!!!!!!!! God will walk with you!!!!

  10. oh charla, sorry i am so late to comment. i want you to know that i checked your blog nonstop on wednesday, only to feel so disheartened when i read the news. something's gotta give. it's hard for me not to feel angry and frustrated, but i am following your lead and trying to be positive and hopeful! you are in my prayers, as always.


Comment away, y'all!