Monday, December 14, 2009

Monday's Musing

Sitting in church makes you a believer about as much as sitting in a garage makes you a car!
 -A wise word from Kay Arthur at Deeper Still, Oklahoma City, 2009. 
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  1. Wonder where you stole that quote from???? I still love it, and how true.

  2. Hey great job last night!!! My mom & I were there until I got out of breath/tired. I love the bells! I remember my First Baptist friends always having to go and practice. Loved it, great job!

  3. Hi there,

    I wanted to invite you to a webinar hosted by Donald Miller next Thursday morning on the subject of his new “Convergence” DVDs for small groups (mostly). Convergence is Miller at his best: doing honest talk about faith. On the first dvd set he talks to Dan Allender, Phyllis Tickle, Lauren Winner. He just recorded the next set with Randy Alcorn, Henry Cloud, John Townsend. You can listen in Thursday, Dec. 17 at (11 am PT, 12 pm MT, 1 pm CT, 2 pm ET). Go to to RSVP for the webinar & we'll be sure to send you a reminder.
    You can learn more about Convergence at If you have any further questions please feel free to email Monique@Lovell-

    Monique Sondag


Comment away, y'all!